Massive 496.2kg Blue Marlin caught on a 8.2m Grady-White
Yet another Tournament win for Team Grady-White

A Fiji ‘Grander’!
Thanks to a fantastic marlin caught a few weeks ago, the Fiji Islands have joined the list of famous ‘grander’ marlin locations.
Even a modest-sized marlin generally puts up a good battle, so Nadi angler, Kim Prater, 29, got a big surprise upon hooking and eventually landing a 496.2kg Pacific blue marlin one Sunday during the monthly Denarau Game and Sports Fishing Club tournament.
“I could not believe my eyes, and was dazed when I reeled in the biggest catch of my life,” Prater said.
Born in New Zealand and living in Fiji, Prater has been fishing since childhood and was excited to have caught one of the biggest blue marlin in the history of recreational game fishing in Fiji.
“It took me two exhausting hours to tire the marlin enough to get it alongside our 27-foot [8.23m] Grady White. It was difficult and definitely a challenge for a female angler. My arms are sore and my back hurts,” she said.
Captain Mike Schmidt said Prater held onto the rod for two hours as Prater reeled the fish in on her own. Once secured beside the boat, the fish had to be towed to the nearby island of Namotu, where five men helped lift it into the boat. Unfortunately, due to the technical requirements of International Game Fish Association (IGFA), her catch was disqualified as a potential women’s world record.
However, Club Secretary Jared Wood said that the marlin was the largest of the species ever recorded in Fiji’s recreational fishing history and will still be remembered as a fantastic catch. DGSFC committee member Yvette Hook said they were impressed with Prater’s effort because she was among the club’s newest female members.
“That is well over the current Fiji women’s record, and is the first of its size caught by a lady angler in Fiji,” Hook said.
It took a strategically placed crane and a lot of effort and determination from many men to lift Prater’s marlin onto the weigh-station scale.
“It goes without saying that Team Grady White looks exceptionally well placed, but with four more competitions remaining this year, anything can happen. Well done, Kim [Prater] and team Grady White – let’s see if you can do it again at the next DGSFC competition, The Bill Williams Memorial Competition, next month,” Hook said.
The Grady White is captained by 31-year-old Schmidt, who leads by example after landing a 216kg marlin during the 2014 Tuna Levu competition in January. -Marc McElrath