Please find specification sheets for all current Grady White models in this section.
Each list shows you what is included in the standard boat specification, which engine options
are available and recommended and which extra options are possible, however, most bigger top of the range Grady's normally have all the options fitted by the original owner
Grady White Ex works Prices!

All prices quoted for all boats, optional extras and associated items including shipping etc, ex- Savannah Port direct to Auckland Port are in US Dollars at all times.
Local NZ Customs import taxes, NZ 15% GST and applicable clearance/Maf fees are all calculated in NZ Dollars at the applicable NZ Customs weekly current exchange rates!
Contact Marine Imports Limited
Import dealers for New Zealand
We can give you a complete inclusive price for a great boat, landed and ready to go, delivered direct from Savannah to NZ & Australia
We can give you the best inclusive shipping rates as we ship large numbers of boats and pass on the benefit to our customers!
Experience the Grady white customer service with us, me make purchasing and importing a Grady White an absolute breeze.
Our after sales service is 2nd to none!

Grady White Boats are powered by the worlds best fuel efficient 4 stroke YAMAHA outboard engines!
Various engine options are availble from 150HP to 350HP.
Check out what options are recommended and available for your favorite model Grady!
Please contact us anytime for further information on any Grady White model boat. We can then send you through a complete information package, more detailed specifications and current model brochure.
Please also feel free to visit the Grady White homepage at: www.gradywhite.com, or click on the 'GW' Grady White logo on the menu bar or at top of this page for a direct link through to the website!
Marine Imports Limited is a 100% Kiwi owned marine business, for the very best personal service, call us now on: Tel:0275365346 or e-mail us at : gradywhiteboatsnz@xtra.co.nz